Tuesday, November 28, 2017

My Visit to the Future

Baron Munchausen travels to the future!

I, Baron Munchausen, being of astoundingly sound mind was delighted when I had discovered a very classy chap who simply went by the name Doctor while visiting a small town earlier this year.

We was dressed in a tightly fitting Victorian suit and traveled with a charming young lady friend.

Noticing my superior intellect on such matters as time and space, he queried me on the probability of travel through time, to which I reminded him of a dear friend of mine who had actually built such a device in the late 1800's. My friend did however happen to disappear, never to return, before I had the opportunity to take his contraption for a run.

This chap however, stated it would be as simple as the pull of a leaver to take me whirling into the past, or future, so I obliged and we departed directly.

Much to my amazement, we had arrived in the future in a town named named after the indigenous of the region, Saginaw, Michigan. Both of which I am told are tribes of the native people of the land.

We arrived in the court of the university, which was quite grand, and very strangely decorated.  The building seemed to be made with strange materials and metals of which I am unfamiliar, which is to say a lot, since I, Baron Munchausen am quite the traveler, and read in most disciplines.

Here is a photograph of myself with other travelers. It was quite a day, to say the least.

I look forward to more time-travels the next time the Doctor pays me a visit, which could be last week, he is a time traveler after all.